Ferguson teen’s lawn service business continues to thrive during snowy January

Ferguson teen’s lawn service business continues to thrive during snowy January

ST. LOUIS COUNTY (First Alert 4) — A Ferguson teenager is capitalizing on the recent snowy weather as his lawn service business continues into its fourth year.

Lawrence Hoye founded Hoye Creek Lawn and Landscaping when he was 14 after spending the winter going door-to-door offering his shoveling services to neighbors.

“With me being me, I can never stop, I just keep going,” he said. “I knew the vision I had for this and that kept me motivated and focused.”

Hoye started small, starting with mainly shovels before a snow blower was gifted to him for his business endeavors. As business picked up, he bought a second snow blower.

Several years later, he’s purchased two work trucks, a trailer and lawn mowing equipment for the summer months.

“I bought a Ford F-150 when I was 15, and that’s what I use to haul a lot of my winter gear around,” he said.

His success didn’t stop there, as he hired five on-call employees who help him during busy times. Once he turned 16 he was able to get his driver’s license, which freed up his mom from driving him around town to different jobs.

“I knew when I got my license it was going to be put to work with my business,” he said. “I’d say since I got it, business has picked up because I have the ability to get where I need to go, easily.”

Despite no longer needing his mom to provide transportation, Hoye knows how important her help and support have been to the overall success of his business. So, last year, he bought her a new car.

“I just want to be that teenager that takes care of his mom,” he said. “My mom doesn’t have to worry about certain things, that means a lot to me, being able to do that.”

After he took care of his mom, Hoye said he saved up and bought himself his dream car, a Mustang.

“I wanted to treat myself,” he said.

Hoye said the recent snowfall has been good for business, but streets in his Ferguson neighborhood and surrounding area have been snow-covered for much of the week, putting him behind on some of his jobs.

“It’s bittersweet because you have to wait for the city and MoDOT to clear what they can so that I’m safely able to get around to these jobs,” he said.

Longtime neighbor Thomas Metcalf is a client of Hoye. He’s lived in the neighborhood for more than 50 years and loves supporting Lawrence and his mission.

“I think it’s great being a young guy that he has that much forethought that he can start his own business,” he said. “There’s all kinds of temptations you know that young people could take…when you get the car and truck and running around doing whatever, but I’ve noticed every time I see him…he’s always working.”

Hoye is currently in eleventh grade in the Ferguson-Florissant School District and said he plans to graduate early, in December, before seeing where his business takes him.

“I’ve given some thought toward working to making this a franchise, maybe in some warmer states,” he said. “That would be the ultimate goal.”

For more information on Hoye Creek Lawn and Landscaping, visit here.


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